Giving Grads a Voice

Our goal is to propel the USAFA AOG into an organization that welcomes diverse opinions, reflects the interests of all graduates, and focuses on unity within the membership. There is a common bond among all graduates that should overcome the silos of differences that have evolved.

“I have been waiting for 25 years for such an amendment. I also taught at the Academy from 2010-2012 and 2015-2021, which only strengthened my opinion that such an amendment is necessary.” —1999 Grad  

“It’s about time. I fully support these changes. The AOG is not a see-, hear-, or speak-no-evil cheerleader squad for the Academy leadership. Their mission should be to push and pull the Academy towards excellence by not only extolling its virtues but also by shedding light on policies and practices that degrade the cadet corps.” —1977 Grad

Thanks to the thousands of grads who signed the petition, the proposed amendments will be on the AOG election ballot in February 2025.

Your continued support is now needed to get out the vote for passage of these proposed Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws changes as well as votes for Alex Fogassy, Matt Lohmeier, Christopher Walker, Rod Bishop, and Denny Merideth for the USAFA AOG Board of Directors.

Proposed Amendments

Proposed amendment to Article III of the Articles of Incorporation of Association of Graduates of the United States Air Force Academy (deleted words struck through; added words underlined and in bold):
Proposed amendment to Bylaws of the Air Force Academy Association of Graduates Article I Purpose Section 2 Mission by adding the following subsections (added words underlined and in bold):

Haven’t signed this petition yet agreeing that the proposed amendments should be on the ballot? Additional petitions go towards momentum:

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