Ten-time Air Force and Joint Forces Commander. Stood up Air Force’s largest Operations Support Squadron, led his Strategic Airlift Squadron to “Best in the Air Force” and his Wing to the “Best Wing” in his Numbered Air Force. Helped lead Charleston AFB to a 99% departure reliability rating through a make-or-break test of the C-17. Deployed 7 times to contingencies as USTRANSCOM/Air Mobility Command’s Director of Mobility Forces. He and his wife, Mary, are recipients of “The US Air Force’s Jerome F. O’Malley Award” which recognizes the outstanding wing commander and spouse Team. Served as Senior Advisor to a Civil Reserve Air Fleet Carrier, a Senior Mentor to the USAF, Chairman of the Board of Advisors for the Airlift Tanker Association, and Chairman of the Board for a non-profit.
Served dual hatted roles as Assistant Adjutant General and Commander of the West Virginia Air National Guard and Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Manpower and Reserve Affairs. Master Navigator with 5,200+ hours in WC-130 and C-130 aircraft, including 400+ combat and combat support hours. Deployed in support of OEF, OIF, Joint Guard/Joint Forge, and Volant Oak/Coronet Oak. Was the Civil Aviation Advisor to the Iraqi Ministry of Transportation with the Coalition Provisional Authority. Inaugural recipient of the West Virginia “Trailblazer Award” for exhibiting a life of excellence. A volunteer speed mentor for the Black Engineer of the Year Awards. 2024 candidate West Virginia 2nd Congressional District primary.
Briefly flew the O-2A in South Vietnam, then became a KC-135A copilot, aircraft commander, flight commander/ instructor pilot and Stan/Eval Branch Chief.
He was a 1978 Olmsted Scholar, studying in France, and later earned a Master of Arts degree in political science. His French language and pilot experience led to Air Attache duty in West Africa, flying and reporting on Sub-Saharan francophone countries. After a Research Associate appointment to the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, he became Africa Branch Chief at HQ USAF.
While Deputy Chief, Strategy Division, he helped craft the conceptual strategic air campaign against Iraq. A French Air War College tour then preceded assignment to NATO, establishing HQ Baltic Approaches (BALTAP), Denmark as Assistant Chief of Staff, Plans and Intelligence and becoming the HQ’s Senior US Officer. Active duty ended in late 1997 as Deputy Director, Cooperative Threat Reduction, Office of the SECDEF, and as USAF’s representative on the Olmsted Foundation’s Board of Directors.
He then rehabilitated a Wisconsin farm to a nationally recognized tree farm. The state’s governor appointed him to a six-year term on its Board of Veterans Affairs. Dan and wife, Jean, who have three daughters, will live in Colorado.
F-16 Pilot. Deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinal and Operation NATO Resolute Support.
Instructor Pilot in the 18th Aggressor Squadron and Subject Matter Expert in Chinese Air Force Doctrine. Superior Performer Awards for both Cope North and Diamond Shield.
Selected for the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Captains Prestigious Ph.D. Program where he is completing his Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford. In 2022 completed the Master of Studies program at Oxford and previously awarded a Master of Arts from the Southern Bible College and Seminary.
He is now stationed at the Pentagon.
Careers in the USAF, Department of State, Missouri Legislature, Agriculture, and Business. F-15 Pilot and Air Liaison Officer. Diplomatic and military assignments included Jordan, Iceland, Honduras, Korea, Saudia Arabia, Philippines, Poland, the Netherlands, and Afghanistan. First Independent legislator elected to Missouri House in 100 years. Senior member of budget committee appropriating over $20 Billion annually. Led a multinational political team on the ground in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. In both spirit and performance recognized as a “true symbol of Excellence in International Security Affairs. As a coach, legislator, and diplomat frequent lecturer and speaker. Served on boards both domestically and internationally gaining valuable experience in board collaboration and process. USAFA volunteer Rugby coach, Squadron Professional Ethics Advisor, and Academy Liaison Officer. Sponsor an mentor to USAFA cadets and Afghan refugees.
“Earlier today [1/27/25], I informed Mark Hille, President & CEO of the Air Force Academy Foundation, of my intent to withdraw my name from the ballot in this year’s AOG Board of Directors election. The reason for my decision is that I would like to wholly dedicate my time and energy to preparation for my forthcoming confirmation hearing for the position of Under Secretary of the Air Force. I believe in and have supported the UNITY Slate effort since its inception, and have been glad to see thousands of other USAFA graduates quickly express their support for this effort. I am honored to work alongside principled men and women who love their country and alma mater. Thank you for your support and understanding.”