Part 2 of a sampling from the over 600 comments we received on the petition form:

“I am completely in support of Unity Slate. I have been appalled with the woke direction of USAFA has taken. Stopped contributing years ago as a result.” 1980

“I have been waiting for 25 years for such an amendment. I also taught at the Academy from 2010-2012 and 2015-2021, which only strengthened my opinion that such an amendment is necessary.” 1999

“I fully support this initiative, and it’s long overdue.” 1969

“I had been a proud dues paying member of AOG and saber society member in the past, but I stopped sending financial support as I saw the Academy become more and more politically correct and woke. Please return this amazing institution to its roots.” 1980

“I strongly support this and want to thank you for taking the initiative to return to what made USAFA a place I was proud to be from.” 2006

“I taught at USAFA. I was very happy to be able to discuss with cadets the importance of free speech, civil discourse, and the free exchange of ideas–priceless freedoms that our Constitution grants! Sadly, identity politics, silencing opponents, a vehement pre-occupation with “pigment and ponytails” has overlooked the beauty and effectiveness of character, competence, and the merit-based system of promotion that leads to excellence. Thanks for your work with this!” 2003

“I hope this is just the beginning. I stopped supporting the AOG a long time ago… would be nice to have a leadership team we can trust again.” 1994

“I applaud your efforts to return our once great alma mater to an institution focused exclusively on producing warrior leaders to fight our nations wars.” 1985

“I am embarrassed to be associated with USAFA. I no longer wear my ring. I have removed my license plate frame. Please correct course back to focus on providing warriors to defend our constitution and way of life.” 1995

“I did not attend my 50th reunion for the very reasons stated in your letter. Until we can change the course of this institution so as not to reflect DEI and other socially engineered ideologies, I will not be supporting any and all functions related to the school. This manner of thinking has no place in our country, our military and especially the AIR FORCE Academy!” 1977

“I stopped donating to the AOG because of their passive stance on the corruption and destruction of core values, ethics and standards at USAFA. Critical race theory, woke policies, and DEI have no place at USAFA and since the military leadership in the AF is incapable of doing the right thing, being honorable and fighting tyranny you are the only hope for future generations of cadets, officers and AF leaders. Your sole purpose of the AOG should be to confront head on these failed, destructive, ethically void socialist policies. If you lead this, other graduates will follow and support this effort.” 1981

“I have pledged $200k to AFA from my estate but the DEI trends by leadership at the Academy make me rethink my pledge.” 1973

“I fully support the proposed amendments; acceptance and advancement in the US Air Force Academy (and other military academies) should be conducted based on merit and performance. Coming from a small town and a small, limited school, I was personally disadvantaged but I worked very hard to make up for those limitations; I struggled but succeeded. Our country allows for all who put in the effort to succeed.” (retired USAF Major General) 1972

“I am disheartened by the direction USAFA has taken in the past 4 years. It seems to have become completely politically and culturally driven and no longer an institution focused on producing the best military leaders for the future.” 1996

“I support the de-wokification of USAFA.” 1988

“I too am disheartened by political influence on this once great institution. It has become unrecognizable over the past decade or so. I whole heartedly support any AOG efforts to change this trend.” 1980

“I support the ideas of meritocracy and fidelity to the US Constitution. These are a large part of what made the AF great as a career and an institution. From my (now outside) view, it seems the AF has walked away from those ideals. That perception is a large part of why I no longer recommend young people join the armed services. Return the AOG (…USAFA…AF) to the light of truth. All of us must fight as we are able against the destructive spirit that has engulfed the West in our time.” 1987

“I firmly believe the AOG has strayed from supporting many graduates core values and don’t even pretend to listen to our concerns. For that reason, I cancelled my membership years ago. Hoping this petition passes and some sanity returns to the organization. I frankly do not comprehend how USAFA and the military, in general, have fallen so far and so fast. Perhaps, the AOG and USAFA leadership should take another look at the Air Force Academy motto and take it to heart.” 1978

“I am encouraged. This is the direction our organization should be taking to help USAFA live up to and fulfill its purpose.” 1977

“I appreciate the effort being put into trying to get the Academy back on track creating and mentoring future military leaders. I’m not at all sure this effort will have much impact on an agenda that seems to have been locked in for some time now. The relaxation of standards — including military, physical, integrity, and educational — is disheartening. The Academy can expect no financial support from me or my family as long as this trend continues.” 1967

“I am embarrassed to tell people I went to USAFA with what is taking place there today. Please save our Academy and make it the premier institution producing leaders and warriors once again.” 1995

“I fully support these efforts to counter the dangerous, un-American “woke” ideologies that have been introduced into the Academy’s curriculum and culture. I believe many graduates agree.” 1983

“I am very happy that the AOG (or at least many of its members) are taking this stand! It was nauseating to hear how ‘woke’ (NOT) the administration had become at the presentations at our last reunion. Thank you for organizing this petition.” 1980

“I oppose the AOG supporting politically based social engineering programs at USAFA.” 1974

“I am fully aware of the decreasing standards at the AF Academy and have seen it myself first hand each time I went back for conference. I’ve also talked to fresh Academy grads arriving at Wright Pat AFB for the last 20 years and have been made aware of the lowering of standards and academic requirements. I bumped into Academy grad who went back to his 50th reunion and he described all the changes as “being shocked” and “disgusted.” I’d like to know what can be done. The standards in the AF have been dramatically lowered. Fitness and weight standards are joke now. Academic requires at AFIT have been lowered dramatically. I was taking between 19-21 quarter hours when I went through. My nephew never took more than 15.” 1982

“Enthusiastically endorse this endeavor!” 1993

“I am resoundingly in favor of ending DEI at USAFA and returning to a merit-based commitment to create airmen dedicated solely to their oath of office.” 1980

“I support the proposed amendments and am disgusted by what has happened to the Academy under recent leadership.” 1994

“I have removed the AOG from my will/trust and I will not contribute any money – so don’t call – until politics, and specifically the left’s wacko, woke agenda full of DEI and critical race theory, is (1) banned from USAFA and (2) teachers are help publicly accountable, and (3) an apology is issued to the alumni and student body (see citation/link below – there are many more). If that happens you can count on me in for the Saber Society. I’m not holding my breath.” 2004

“I am sickened that USAFA has all but abandoned merit along with many of our core principles in favor of recent woke ideologies such as DEI that only divide and weaken us all.” 1993

“I support this and all endeavors to return the Academy to meritorious promotions, not based on personal identity. I don’t see how the military can even function now with the current illogical system of subjective morality. Military personnel are asked to die for this country, if necessary, why would they die for a country that considers them marginal or unworthy because of their race or traditional values?” 1971

“I think it’s a great idea. The AOG should be much more than just a cheerleading group. We should be encouraged to offer our perspective on policy changes and plans.” 1978