Part 3 of a sampling from the over 600 comments we received on the petition form:

“It’s time the AOG began representing USAFA graduates and not USAFA leadership.” 1993

“I whole heartedly agree with this petition. I have been ashamed to let people know I graduated from USAFA with all the political BS that has taken something of which I was proud and turned it into an embarrassment.” 2002

“I will continue to withhold all monetary support for the AOG or USAFA until it returns to the principles that have made our nation and our military great. This effort appears to be a good start. DEI is a trojan horse for socialism and mediocrity and has no place in the military (or our society as a whole, for that matter). It is a divisive ideology that is anathema to the cohesion needed for an effective fighting force. Unfortunately, the USAFA has been infected with this ideology and it must be rooted out and rejected. I whole-heartedly support all efforts to do this.” 1981

“I’m relieved to see this Unity Slate and fully support the goals stated herein. The USAFA has quickly become the most liberally progressive and woke of all the academies to the point of embarrassment. I support a return to traditional values and methods at the academy for the betterment of our USAF and the USA.” 1989

“I totally agree that the Air Force Academy has moved away from its mission to produce warfighters. It has introduced politically-inspired social engineering into the Academy’s culture. It is a military institution and should reflect the proud history of our armed forces and inspire greatness, patriotism and leadership. The proposed changes are a step in the right direction.” 1963

“I was a Sabre Society member for several years but have not contributed to the AOG since I perceived its primary purpose does not seem to be to train fighting men and women to protect the Constitution of the United States.” 1981

“I will not contribute another dollar to the Academy until they get rid of DEI and all associated Communist indoctrination.” 1973

“I wish us well in our efforts to place these amendments into our bylaws. In my honest opinion, they are long overdue.” 1980

“I’m happy to see a group of concerned graduates coming together to address these serious issues. I’ve cut off financial support for our alma mater because I detest the direction the Academy has been going for the last decade or so.” 2008

“I’m very happy to indicate my support for this long overdue voice of reason at USAFA.” 1980

“In 2017 while still in the ANG, I realized the nonsense I was seeing in the news had spread to the military and USAFA. It had always been in the periphery to some extent, but now it metastasized as mandatory re-education for all, supported by the very highest levels and force fed down to the lowest level. Because of this I had to cease my donations to the Endowment Fund, and specify donations to a location that I could ensure I was not supporting this nonsense.” 1997

“It is about time the AOG stands up against the “Yes Men” of the Academy. I’d rather see USAFA closed before it continues down the course of DEI indoctrination. Bring back promotion of ideas based on merit! Outstanding idea to change the bylaws. I pray this passes and graduates can once again feel pride when speaking of USAFA.” 2008

“It is difficult for me to recommend the Academy or military service to anyone these days, for all the reasons you list. I can’t recall the exact wording, but in my senior year I remember reading a quote – I believe it was from General Westmoreland. He noted that the military has to stop being used as an instrument for social change. That is true, even more so, today. From the outside, the Academy seems to want to embrace every cultural fad possible and remove the bedrock that endears it to society. Since I attended, nearly ever aspect of the Academy that set it aside from a “regular” college experience seems to have been removed. I grew up believing attending the Academy was something special, and I was so proud to have been nominated and appointed. It was difficult, demanding, and rewarding for those who stayed to graduation. I have a hard time seeing how the Academy is anything more than a regular college with a sprinkling of aviation themes that costs the taxpayers an excessive amount of money.” 1981

“It is unfortunate that these changes have not only become necessary but urgent. We must reverse the decline in Standards that used to be the hallmark of the United States Air Force Academy. I hope we are not too late.” 1965

“It’s about time!” 1972, 1994, 2002, 1973

“It would be nice to be able to actually support my alma mater rather than be embarrassed by its leadership and their acceptance of woke ideology.” 1996

“It’s about time. I fully support these changes. The AOG is not a see, hear, or speak no evil cheerleader squad for the Academy leadership. Their mission should be to push and pull the Academy towards excellence by not only extolling its virtues but also by shedding light on policies and practices that degrade the cadet corps.” 1977

“It’s critical that we keep focused on actual values and standards, reinforce the need for service before self, integrity, merit, excellence. We need to get rid of the ideas collectively known as “woke” before we have a military that cannot defend our country. If I were not a life AOG member, I would not be continuing my membership. As it is, I have withheld donations to AOG solicited causes until the nonsense stops. When USAFA and AOG again focus on the above values, I will donate.” 1990

“It’s about time we returned to training leaders. Meritocracy is crucial to producing excellent leaders for the Air Force. Let’s insure that USAFA leadership hears our voices!” 1973

“Keep up the great work. My eldest son graduated from USAFA in 2012 after receiving an early appointment. His brother, 2 years younger and with the same resume, did not receive an appointment because of racial and gender balancing. The younger graduated Summa Cum Laude from The Citadel and is an active duty Major working cadre for Gen B-21 Raider program. We need our best and brightest, whomever they may be.” 1978

“Keep fighting the good fight! Full support!” 1994

“Keep us all informed as to how you fare. The AOG and USAFA administration have a habit of keeping the grads in the dark, except for fluff pieces, or intimidating us for donations.” 1972

“Let’s get the Academy back on track! The drastic (and ridiculous) changes are ruining our fine educational and officer training institution!!” 1967

“Let’s take the woke out of the USAF Academy and base everything on merit. All this left leaning has to go and I will not fund the academy donation drives until it is gone.” 1975

“Long overdue, but necessary. I believe the graduate community has valuable insight and ideas to help USAFA and its mission. I believe the AOG has been a “cheerleader” instead of being a source of valuable insight from the graduate community when significant changes have been levied upon the Academy that have harmed the institution, case in point, The Agenda for Change and the harmful changes to the administration of the Honor Code. What used to be considered the minimum standard, has now changed due to the honor probation system. We now have institutional toleration of honor code violators. The new standard is now, “cheat until you get caught.” That quote is from cadets at USAFA.” 1978

“I’m ashamed at the current USAFA state of affairs particularly it’s “leadership” and the AOG has sat idly by only caring about building the Honor Eyesoar and more athletic buildings.” 2001

“Merit needs to return as the number one priority in training Our next generation of warriors.” 1981

“Meritocracy and personal accountability are hallmarks of outstanding service, not DEI.” 2004

“Many, many graduates in my area are totally against the way USAFA is going in this direction of “political correctness” and have decided not to support any and all fund raising for USAFA. We need this change. We are supposed to be producing military leaders, are we???” 1973